Checklist on your resume

A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.

  • Linux scripting
  • Git/GitHub (give your GitHub handle)
  • Data wrangling (Tidyverse)
  • Data visualization (ggplot2)
  • Frontend development (shiny, web app)
  • Databases, SQL (Google BigQuery)
  • Cloud computing (GCP, AWS, Azure, OCI)
  • High-performance computing (HPC) on cluster (if you use Hoffman2)
  • Deep learning with Keras+TensorFlow (PyTorch is more popular in research)

  • Make your GitHub repo biostat-203b-2023-winter public (after Apr 3, 2023) and show your work to back your resume. Feel free to modify the reports after this course. You can make your GitHub repository into a webpage by using GitHub Pages.

  • Use these tools in your daily work: use Git/GitHub for all your homework and research projects, write weekly research report using Quarto/RMarkdown/Jupyter Notebook, give presentation using ggplot2 and Shiny, write blog/tutorial, …

What’s not covered

  • Machine/statistical learning methods. Familiar with methods in Elements of Statistical Learning and software, e.g., scikit-learn.

    For non-statistician, I recommend An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R, which is less technical and more application oriented.

  • Computational algorithms. Spring quarter’s Biostat 257 will cover numerical linear algebra and numerical optimization algorithms.

  • Public health applications.

  • Be open to languages. Python is a more generic programming language and widely adopted in data science. Julia is attractive for high performance scientific computing. JavaScript is dominant in web applications. Scala is popular for implementing distributed programs.

Course evaluation

Please do it NOW.



  • Cloud computing, cluster computing.

  • HW4.