Biostat 203B Homework 3

Due Mar 1 @ 11:59PM



Display machine information:

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] htmlwidgets_1.6.1 compiler_4.2.2    fastmap_1.1.0     cli_3.6.0        
 [5] tools_4.2.2       htmltools_0.5.4   rstudioapi_0.14   yaml_2.3.7       
 [9] rmarkdown_2.20    knitr_1.42        xfun_0.37         digest_0.6.31    
[13] jsonlite_1.8.4    rlang_1.0.6       evaluate_0.20    

Load database libraries and the tidyverse frontend:


I found the current versions of bigrquery (v1.4.1) and dbplyr (v2.3.0) don’t work well together on my computer (Issue). If you encounter similar issues, you can install older versions of the these two packages.

install_version("bigrquery", version = "1.4.0")
install_version("dbplyr", version = "2.1.1")

1 Q1. Compile the ICU cohort in HW2 from the Google BigQuery database

Below is an outline of steps.

  1. Load the GCP BigQuery service account token. Please place the service account token (available at BruinLearn) at your MIMIC data folder: ~/mimic/biostat-203b-2022winter-3fdc2392ac39.json.
# path to the service account token 
satoken <- "~/mimic/biostat-203b-2023winter-3fdc2392ac39.json"
# BigQuery authentication using service account
  path = satoken,
  # email = "",
  # scopes = c("",
  #   "")
  1. Connect to BigQuery database mimic4_v1_0_203b in GCP (Google Cloud Platform), using the billing account biostat-203b-2022winter.
# Connect to the BigQuery database `biostat-203b-2022winter.mimic4_v1_0_203b`
con <- dbConnect(
    project = "biostat-203b-2022winter",
    dataset = "mimic4_v1_0_203b",
    billing = "biostat-203b-2022winter"
  Dataset: biostat-203b-2022winter.mimic4_v1_0_203b
  Billing: biostat-203b-2022winter
  1. List all tables in the mimic4_v1_0_203b database.
[1] "admissions"  "chartevents" "d_items"     "d_labitems"  "icustays"   
[6] "labevents"   "patients"   
  1. Connect to the icustays table.
# full ICU stays table
icustays_tble <- tbl(con, "icustays") %>%
  show_query() %>%
  print(width = Inf)
FROM `icustays`
# Source:   table<icustays> [?? x 8]
# Database: BigQueryConnection
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit last_careunit 
        <int>    <int>    <int> <chr>          <chr>         
 1   12776735 20817525 34547665 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 2   16256226 20013290 39289362 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 3   12974563 29618057 32563675 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 4   14609218 20606189 34947848 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 5   12687112 26132667 37445058 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 6   18190935 24712081 30056748 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 7   10404210 22880512 30254828 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 8   12552973 21320643 30261549 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
 9   14303051 26559537 30401486 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
10   12347959 22779073 30503984 Neuro Stepdown Neuro Stepdown
   intime              outtime               los
   <dttm>              <dttm>              <dbl>
 1 2200-07-12 00:33:00 2200-07-13 16:44:40 1.67 
 2 2150-12-20 16:09:08 2150-12-21 14:58:40 0.951
 3 2138-11-13 23:30:01 2138-11-15 16:25:19 1.71 
 4 2174-06-28 21:13:00 2174-07-05 17:01:32 6.83 
 5 2162-05-31 18:08:45 2162-06-04 10:16:13 3.67 
 6 2115-12-08 09:39:45 2115-12-12 02:36:52 3.71 
 7 2161-03-03 18:30:00 2161-03-05 18:10:31 1.99 
 8 2135-09-21 18:12:03 2135-09-23 12:56:46 1.78 
 9 2175-11-20 01:02:00 2175-11-21 16:06:17 1.63 
10 2140-07-11 17:54:14 2140-07-19 13:01:05 7.80 
# … with more rows

We only keep the first ICU stay. Following code is kind of a hack, using the summarise_all(min) function. It seems that slice_min(), slice_head(), distinct(, .keep_all = TRUE) don’t work with dbplyr+bigrquery at the moment.

icustays_tble <- icustays_tble %>% 
  select(subject_id, intime) %>% 
  group_by(subject_id) %>% 
  summarise_all(min) %>%
  left_join(icustays_tble, by = c("subject_id", "intime")) %>%
  show_query() %>%
  print(width = Inf)
Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
Use `MIN(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
This warning is displayed only once per session.
SELECT `LHS`.`subject_id` AS `subject_id`, `LHS`.`intime` AS `intime`, `hadm_id`, `stay_id`, `first_careunit`, `last_careunit`, `outtime`, `los`
FROM (SELECT `subject_id`, MIN(`intime`) AS `intime`
FROM (SELECT `subject_id`, `intime`
FROM `icustays`) `q01`
GROUP BY `subject_id`) `LHS`
LEFT JOIN `icustays` AS `RHS`
ON (`LHS`.`subject_id` = `RHS`.`subject_id` AND `LHS`.`intime` = `RHS`.`intime`)

# Source:   lazy query [?? x 8]
# Database: BigQueryConnection
   subject_id intime               hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit
        <int> <dttm>                 <int>    <int> <chr>         
 1   12776735 2200-07-12 00:33:00 20817525 34547665 Neuro Stepdown
 2   16256226 2150-12-20 16:09:08 20013290 39289362 Neuro Stepdown
 3   12974563 2138-11-13 23:30:01 29618057 32563675 Neuro Stepdown
 4   14609218 2174-06-28 21:13:00 20606189 34947848 Neuro Stepdown
 5   12687112 2162-05-31 18:08:45 26132667 37445058 Neuro Stepdown
 6   18190935 2115-11-12 23:23:32 21137829 34338402 Neuro Stepdown
 7   10404210 2161-03-03 18:30:00 22880512 30254828 Neuro Stepdown
 8   12552973 2135-09-21 18:12:03 21320643 30261549 Neuro Stepdown
 9   14303051 2175-11-20 01:02:00 26559537 30401486 Neuro Stepdown
10   12347959 2140-07-11 17:54:14 22779073 30503984 Neuro Stepdown
   last_careunit  outtime               los
   <chr>          <dttm>              <dbl>
 1 Neuro Stepdown 2200-07-13 16:44:40 1.67 
 2 Neuro Stepdown 2150-12-21 14:58:40 0.951
 3 Neuro Stepdown 2138-11-15 16:25:19 1.71 
 4 Neuro Stepdown 2174-07-05 17:01:32 6.83 
 5 Neuro Stepdown 2162-06-04 10:16:13 3.67 
 6 Neuro Stepdown 2115-11-15 18:06:26 2.78 
 7 Neuro Stepdown 2161-03-05 18:10:31 1.99 
 8 Neuro Stepdown 2135-09-23 12:56:46 1.78 
 9 Neuro Stepdown 2175-11-21 16:06:17 1.63 
10 Neuro Stepdown 2140-07-19 13:01:05 7.80 
# … with more rows
  1. Connect to the admissions table and only keep the patients who have a match in icustays_tble (according to subject_id and hadm_id).
# # TODO
# admissions_tble <- 
  1. Connect to the patients table and only keep the patients who have a match in icustays_tble (according to subject_id).
# # TODO
# patients_tble <-
  1. Connect to the labevents table and retrieve a subset that only contain subjects who appear in icustays_tble and the lab items listed in HW2.
# # TODO
# labevents_tble <- 

Only keep the first lab measurements during ICU stay and pivot lab items to become variables/columns.

# # TODO
# labevents_tble <- labevents_tble %>% ...
  1. Connect to chartevents table and retrieve a subset that only contain subjects who appear in icustays_tble and the chart events listed in HW2.
# # TODO
# chartevents_tble <- 

Only keep the first chart events during ICU stay and pivot chart events to become variables/columns.

# # TODO
# chartevents_tble <- chartevents_tble %>% ...
  1. Put things together. This step is similar to Q7 of HW2. Using one chain of pipes %>% to perform following data wrangling steps: (i) start with the icustays_tble for the first ICU stay of each unique patient, (ii) merge in admissions and patients tables, (iii) keep adults only (age at admission >= 18), (iv) merge in the labevents and chartevents tables, (v) create an indicator for 30-day mortality, (vi) save the final tibble to an icu_cohort.rds R data file in the mimiciv_shiny folder.
# make a directory mimiciv_shiny
if (!dir.exists("mimiciv_shiny")) {
# # TODO
# icu_cohort <- icustays_tble %>% ...

Close database connection and clear workspace.

rm(list = ls())

2 Q2. Shiny app

Develop a Shiny app for exploring the ICU cohort data created in Q1. The app should reside in the mimiciv_shiny folder. The app should provide easy access to the graphical and numerical summaries of variables (demographics, lab measurements, vitals) in the ICU cohort.