Working with Databases - Part II

Biostat 203B


Dr. Hua Zhou @ UCLA


February 13, 2023

1 Introduction

In this lecture we will learn:

  • Import data from bigish csv files (MIMIC-IV).

  • Deposit data into an SQLite database.

  • Query SQLite database.

  • Transform in database and plot in R.

2 Machine information

Display machine information for reproducibility.

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] digest_0.6.30     lifecycle_1.0.3   jsonlite_1.8.4    magrittr_2.0.3   
 [5] evaluate_0.18     rlang_1.0.6       stringi_1.7.8     cli_3.4.1        
 [9] rstudioapi_0.14   vctrs_0.5.1       rmarkdown_2.18    tools_4.2.2      
[13] stringr_1.5.0     glue_1.6.2        htmlwidgets_1.6.0 xfun_0.35        
[17] yaml_2.3.6        fastmap_1.1.0     compiler_4.2.2    htmltools_0.5.4  
[21] knitr_1.41       

Load necessary R packages

# display version of SQLite
sqlite3 --version
3.37.0 2021-12-09 01:34:53 9ff244ce0739f8ee52a3e9671adb4ee54c83c640b02e3f9d185fd2f9a179aapl

3 CSV file

The /mnt/mimiciv/1.0 folder on the teaching server contains the MIMIC-IV data. On my Mac, it’s at /Users/huazhou/Documents/Box Sync/MIMIC/mimic-iv-1.0.

Code in this lecture assumes that the MIMIC-IV data is available at ~/mimic.

Display content of MIMIC-IV data files:

mimic_path <- "~/mimic"
system(str_c("tree -s -L 2 ", mimic_path), intern = TRUE)
 [1] "\033[01;36m/Users/huazhou/mimic\033[00m"                                     
 [2] "├── [       2518]  LICENSE.txt"                                              
 [3] "├── [        224]  \033[01;34mMIMIC-reduce-chartevents\033[00m"              
 [4] "│   ├── [   40348871]  \033[01;31mchartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz\033[00m"
 [5] "│   └── [        243]  \033[01;\033[00m"             
 [6] "├── [       2459]  SHA256SUMS.txt"                                           
 [7] "├── [        192]  \033[01;34mcore\033[00m"                                  
 [8] "│   ├── [   17208966]  \033[01;31madmissions.csv.gz\033[00m"                 
 [9] "│   ├── [        606]  index.html"                                           
[10] "│   ├── [    2955582]  \033[01;31mpatients.csv.gz\033[00m"                   
[11] "│   └── [   53014503]  \033[01;31mtransfers.csv.gz\033[00m"                  
[12] "├── [        672]  \033[01;34mhosp\033[00m"                                  
[13] "│   ├── [     430049]  \033[01;31md_hcpcs.csv.gz\033[00m"                    
[14] "│   ├── [     863239]  \033[01;31md_icd_diagnoses.csv.gz\033[00m"            
[15] "│   ├── [     579998]  \033[01;31md_icd_procedures.csv.gz\033[00m"           
[16] "│   ├── [      14898]  \033[01;31md_labitems.csv.gz\033[00m"                 
[17] "│   ├── [   29531152]  \033[01;31mdiagnoses_icd.csv.gz\033[00m"              
[18] "│   ├── [   11684062]  \033[01;31mdrgcodes.csv.gz\033[00m"                   
[19] "│   ├── [  515763427]  \033[01;31memar.csv.gz\033[00m"                       
[20] "│   ├── [  476252563]  \033[01;31memar_detail.csv.gz\033[00m"                
[21] "│   ├── [    2098831]  \033[01;31mhcpcsevents.csv.gz\033[00m"                
[22] "│   ├── [       2325]  index.html"                                           
[23] "│   ├── [ 2091865786]  \033[01;31mlabevents.csv.gz\033[00m"                  
[24] "│   ├── [  171624288]  \033[01;31mlabevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz\033[00m"  
[25] "│   ├── [   99133381]  \033[01;31mmicrobiologyevents.csv.gz\033[00m"         
[26] "│   ├── [  422874088]  \033[01;31mpharmacy.csv.gz\033[00m"                   
[27] "│   ├── [  501381155]  \033[01;31mpoe.csv.gz\033[00m"                        
[28] "│   ├── [   24020923]  \033[01;31mpoe_detail.csv.gz\033[00m"                 
[29] "│   ├── [  367041717]  \033[01;31mprescriptions.csv.gz\033[00m"              
[30] "│   ├── [    7750325]  \033[01;31mprocedures_icd.csv.gz\033[00m"             
[31] "│   └── [    9565293]  \033[01;31mservices.csv.gz\033[00m"                   
[32] "├── [        352]  \033[01;34micu\033[00m"                                   
[33] "│   ├── [ 2350783547]  \033[01;31mchartevents.csv.gz\033[00m"                
[34] "│   ├── [  110272408]  \033[01;31mchartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz\033[00m"
[35] "│   ├── [      55917]  \033[01;31md_items.csv.gz\033[00m"                    
[36] "│   ├── [   43296273]  \033[01;31mdatetimeevents.csv.gz\033[00m"             
[37] "│   ├── [    2848628]  \033[01;31micustays.csv.gz\033[00m"                   
[38] "│   ├── [       1103]  index.html"                                           
[39] "│   ├── [  352443512]  \033[01;31minputevents.csv.gz\033[00m"                
[40] "│   ├── [   37095672]  \033[01;31moutputevents.csv.gz\033[00m"               
[41] "│   └── [   20567368]  \033[01;31mprocedureevents.csv.gz\033[00m"            
[42] "└── [        797]  index.html"                                               
[43] ""                                                                            
[44] "4 directories, 37 files"                                                     

4 Read CSVs and deposit to an SQLite database

Here, we will import only one csv file icustays.csv.gz for demonstration purpose. Motivated students can write a bash script for loading all MIMIC-IV data files into a SQLite database and contribute to

Create an empty database file mimiciv.sqlite:

cmd <- 'touch mimiciv.sqlite'
system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

Deposit the icu/icustatys.csv.gz file:

# delete icustays table if exists
cmd <- "sqlite3 mimiciv.sqlite 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS icustays;'"
system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

Create an empty icustays table with data types. Because SQLite does not support date-time data type (, we store intime and outtime as TEXT.

cmd <- "sqlite3 mimiciv.sqlite 'CREATE TABLE icustays (subject_id INTEGER, hadm_id INTEGER, stay_id INTEGER, first_careunit TEXT, last_careunit TEXT, intime TEXT, outtime TEXT, los REAL)'"
system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
csvfile <- str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")
cmd <- str_c(
  "zcat < ",
  " | tail -n +2 | ",
  "sqlite3 mimiciv.sqlite -csv ",
  "'.import /dev/stdin icustays'"
[1] "zcat < ~/mimic/icu/icustays.csv.gz | tail -n +2 | sqlite3 mimiciv.sqlite -csv '.import /dev/stdin icustays'"

Execute the bash command:

system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

5 Read data from database

Connect to the database mimiciii.sqlite and list the tables:

con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
                 dbname = "./mimiciv.sqlite"
[1] "icustays"

Read the table icustays:

icustays_tble <- tbl(con, "icustays") %>% 
  print(width = Inf)
# Source:   table<icustays> [?? x 8]
# Database: sqlite 3.40.0 [/Users/huazhou/Documents/]
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit          
        <int>    <int>    <int> <chr>                   
 1   17867402 24528534 31793211 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 2   14435996 28960964 31983544 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 3   17609946 27385897 33183475 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 4   18966770 23483021 34131444 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 5   12776735 20817525 34547665 Neuro Stepdown          
 6   10215159 24283593 34569476 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 7   14489052 26516390 35056286 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 8   15914763 28906020 36909804 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 9   16256226 20013290 39289362 Neuro Stepdown          
10   19194449 21641999 39387567 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
   last_careunit            intime              outtime               los
   <chr>                    <chr>               <chr>               <dbl>
 1 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2154-03-03 04:11:00 2154-03-04 18:16:56 1.59 
 2 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2150-06-19 17:57:00 2150-06-22 18:33:54 3.03 
 3 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2138-02-05 18:54:00 2138-02-15 12:42:05 9.74 
 4 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2123-10-25 10:35:00 2123-10-25 18:59:47 0.351
 5 Neuro Stepdown           2200-07-12 00:33:00 2200-07-13 16:44:40 1.67 
 6 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2124-09-20 15:05:29 2124-09-21 22:06:58 1.29 
 7 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2118-10-26 10:33:56 2118-10-26 20:28:10 0.413
 8 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2176-12-14 12:00:00 2176-12-17 11:47:01 2.99 
 9 Neuro Stepdown           2150-12-20 16:09:08 2150-12-21 14:58:40 0.951
10 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 2123-11-12 02:53:35 2123-11-12 13:52:03 0.457
# … with more rows

How many rows?

icustays_tble %>% 
  show_query() %>%
  summarise(n = n())
FROM `icustays`
# Source:   SQL [1 x 1]
# Database: sqlite 3.40.0 [/Users/huazhou/Documents/]
1 76540

6 Use dplyr with SQLite

Keep the first ICU stay for each patient:

icustays_subset <- icustays_tble %>%
  # first ICU stay of each unique `subject_id`
  group_by(subject_id) %>%
  slice_min(intime) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # arrange(intime, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
  # slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  # left_join(icustays_tble, by = c("subject_id", "intime")) %>%
  show_query() %>%
  print(width = Inf)
  SELECT *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY `subject_id` ORDER BY `intime`) AS `q01`
  FROM `icustays`
WHERE (`q01` <= 1)
# Source:   SQL [?? x 8]
# Database: sqlite 3.40.0 [/Users/huazhou/Documents/]
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit                                  
        <int>    <int>    <int> <chr>                                           
 1   10000032 29079034 39553978 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 2   10000980 26913865 39765666 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 3   10001217 24597018 37067082 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)             
 4   10001725 25563031 31205490 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU)
 5   10001884 26184834 37510196 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 6   10002013 23581541 39060235 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)    
 7   10002155 23822395 33685454 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                        
 8   10002223 22494570 39638202 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                             
 9   10002348 22725460 32610785 Neuro Intermediate                              
10   10002428 28662225 33987268 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
   last_careunit                                    intime             
   <chr>                                            <chr>              
 1 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2180-07-23 14:00:00
 2 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2189-06-27 08:42:00
 3 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)              2157-11-20 19:18:02
 4 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU) 2110-04-11 15:52:22
 5 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2131-01-11 04:20:05
 6 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)     2160-05-18 10:00:53
 7 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                         2129-08-04 12:45:00
 8 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                              2158-01-15 08:01:49
 9 Neuro Intermediate                               2112-11-30 23:24:00
10 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2156-04-12 16:24:18
   outtime               los
   <chr>               <dbl>
 1 2180-07-23 23:50:47 0.410
 2 2189-06-27 20:38:27 0.498
 3 2157-11-21 22:08:00 1.12 
 4 2110-04-12 23:59:56 1.34 
 5 2131-01-20 08:27:30 9.17 
 6 2160-05-19 17:33:33 1.31 
 7 2129-08-10 17:02:38 6.18 
 8 2158-01-16 15:19:24 1.30 
 9 2112-12-10 18:25:13 9.79 
10 2156-04-17 15:57:08 4.98 
# … with more rows

How many rows in icustays_subset?

icustays_subset %>%
  show_query() %>%
  summarise(n = n())
  SELECT *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY `subject_id` ORDER BY `intime`) AS `q01`
  FROM `icustays`
WHERE (`q01` <= 1)
# Source:   SQL [1 x 1]
# Database: sqlite 3.40.0 [/Users/huazhou/Documents/]
1 53150

7 SQL query

show_query usefully shows the SQL query translated from dplyr query.

[1] "tbl_SQLiteConnection" "tbl_dbi"              "tbl_sql"             
[4] "tbl_lazy"             "tbl"                 
  SELECT *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY `subject_id` ORDER BY `intime`) AS `q01`
  FROM `icustays`
WHERE (`q01` <= 1)

8 Transform in database, plot in R

icustays_tble %>%
  group_by(subject_id) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = n)) + 
  labs(x = "# ICU stays of a patient")

9 SQL translation

dbplyr package (a dplyr backend for databases) has a function, translate_sql, that lets you experiment with how R functions are translated to SQL:

translate_sql(x == 1 & (y < 2 | z > 3))
<SQL> `x` = 1.0 AND (`y` < 2.0 OR `z` > 3.0)
translate_sql(x ^ 2 < 10)
<SQL> (POWER(`x`, 2.0)) < 10.0
translate_sql(x %% 2 == 10)
<SQL> (`x` % 2.0) = 10.0
translate_sql(paste(x, y))
<SQL> CONCAT_WS(' ', `x`, `y`)
Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL aggregation functions.
Use `na.rm = TRUE` to silence this warning
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
<SQL> AVG(`x`) OVER ()
translate_sql(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
<SQL> AVG(`x`) OVER ()

10 Timings

Let’s compare the timings of dplyr (in-memory) and dbplyr (on disk database).

  • dplyr using tibble:
csvfile <- str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")
icustays_tibble <- read_csv(csvfile)
timing_tibble <- system.time(
  icustays_tibble %>%
    group_by(subject_id) %>%
    summarize(n = n())
   user  system elapsed 
  0.580   0.018   0.599 
  • dbplyr using SQLite:
icustays_sql <- tbl(con, "icustays")
timing_sql <- system.time(
  icustays_sql %>%
    group_by(subject_id) %>%
    summarize(n = n())
   user  system elapsed 
  0.004   0.000   0.004 

SQLite (0.004 seconds) was much faster than tibble (0.599 seconds). But SQLite is disk-based, while the tibble is in memory. Why is the discrepancy?

11 Laziness

dplyr/dbplyr uses lazy evaluation as much as possible, particularly when working with non-local backends.

  • When building a query, often we don’t want the entire table. We want just enough to check if our query is working.

  • Since we would prefer to run one complex query over many simple queries, laziness allows for verbs to be strung together.

  • Therefore, by default dbplyr

    • won’t connect and query the database until absolutely necessary (e.g. show output),

    • and unless explicitly told to, will only query a handful of rows to give a sense of what the result will look like

icustays_sql %>%
  group_by(subject_id) %>%
  summarize(n = n())
# Source:   SQL [?? x 2]
# Database: sqlite 3.40.0 [/Users/huazhou/Documents/]
   subject_id     n
        <int> <int>
 1   10000032     1
 2   10000980     1
 3   10001217     2
 4   10001725     1
 5   10001884     1
 6   10002013     1
 7   10002155     3
 8   10002223     1
 9   10002348     1
10   10002428     4
# … with more rows

12 Full query

To force a full query and return a complete table it is necessary to use the collect function.

  icustays_sql %>%
    group_by(subject_id) %>%
    summarize(n = n()) %>%
   user  system elapsed 
  0.083   0.005   0.087 

13 Old ggplot2 doesn’t do ``Transform in database, plot in R”

Earlier we see dbplyr connects with ggplot2 (v3.3.5) seamlessly. Remember ggplot2 needs to collect the query results for plotting.

icustays_sql %>%
  count(subject_id) %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(y = n))

Older version of ggplot2, e.g., v2.2.1, will output error. This is because ggplot2 needed to compute the count per bin by going through all the rows. But here icustays_sql is just a pointer to the SQLite table. We had to use the transform in database, plot in R strategy.

icustays_sql %>%
  count(subject_id) %>%
  collect() %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(y = n))

14 Close connection to database
