Biostat 203B






Tue (lecture) 3pm-4:50pm @ CHS 33-105A
Thu (lecture and lab) 3pm-4:50pm @ CHS 33-105A


Dr. Hua Zhou
Office: CHS 21-254A
Phone: (310)794-7835
Office hours: Tue, Thu 5pm-6pm @ Zoom and CHS 21-254A

Course Reader

Tomoki Okuno
Office hours: Fri 5:30pm-6:30m @ Zoom

Course Description

Computing skills and software tools for handling potentially big medical and public health data.

See the schedule page for a tentative list of topics.


The prerequisite for this course is Biostat 203A: Introduction to Data Management and Statistical Computing. Those wishing to enroll without these prerequisites will need to obtain consent from the instructor.

Course Webpage or

Course Materials

There are no required textbooks. Some useful resources will be distributed during class.


Class attendance to both lectures and Thursday lab is mandatory.


There will be 4-6 homework assignments throughout the quarter.


There will be no midterm and final exams.

Final Grade

Grades will be based on the homework (70%) + class attendance, pop quizzes, and participation (Slack, office hours) (30%). Auditors must earn a respectable D to gain recording of this course.


Students needing academic accommodation based on a disability should contact the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) at (310)825-1501 or in person at Murphy Hall A255. When possible, students should contact the CAE within the first two weeks of the term as reasonable notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. For more information visit

ADA Contact:
Nickey Woods
Center for Accessible Education
A255 Murphy Hall. Phone: (310)825-1501
TTY/TTD: (310)206-6083
Fax: (310)825-9656


UCLA’s Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion provides resources, events, and information about current initiatives at UCLA to support equality for all members of the UCLA community. I hope that you will communicate with me or your TA if you experience anything in this course that does not support an inclusive environment, and you can also report any incidents you may witness or experience on campus to the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on their website

Academic Integrity

Message about Academic Integrity to All UCLA Students from UCLA Dean of Students: UCLA is a community of scholars. In this community, all members including faculty staff and students alike are responsible for maintaining standards of academic honesty. As a student and member of the University community, you are here to get an education and are, therefore, expected to demonstrate integrity in your academic endeavors. You are evaluated on your own merits. Cheating, plagiarism, collaborative work, multiple submissions without the permission of the professor, or other kinds of academic dishonesty are considered unacceptable behavior and will result in formal disciplinary proceedings usually resulting in suspension or dismissal.

Forms of Academic Dishonesty: As specified in the UCLA Student Conduct Code, violations or attempted violations of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, multiple submissions or facilitating academic integrity:

Plagiarism: Presenting another’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own

Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same work (with exact or similar content) in more than one class without permission from the instructor to do so. This includes courses you are currently taking, as well as courses you might take in another quarter.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Participating in any action that compromises the integrity of the academic standards of the University; assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty

While you are here at UCLA, if you are unsure whether what you are considering doing is cheating, don’t take chances – ask your professor. In addition, avoid placing yourself in situations which might lead your professor to suspect you of cheating.

Alternatives to Academic Dishonesty

If you would like more information, please come see us at the Dean of Students’ Office in 1206 Murphy Hall, call us at (310)825-3871 or visit their website at